This is Thomas Jefferson one of the main characters in my story. I represent him more in his style and passion then physical description. I described how he was an avid inventor and engineer. I also explained and added a quote to show how he was a curios person. As well most people know he was an excellent writer and was actually the person who wrote the Declaration Of Independents for the United States Of America.
This is the image I chose for Jacob Graff, Jr. I chose this image because it is an image of his father and I assumed that he looked at least a bit like his father. I don't speak very much of Jacob other than that he build the Declaration house as it is called. Jacob was a Philadelphia brick mason and built his own house in 1775.
For the wife of Jacob Graff I feel this image would represent her well. I chose this picture as it seemed to be a picture that would represent and average women in the mid to late 1700's. She is only mentioned once or twice in the story but I feel she is a relevant part of the story.
This image is of the fully rebuilt Jacob Graff house or Declaration house as it is often called. It is the main and only real setting in my story. I describe this setting by detailing it's most prominent features such as the strange shape and floor plan.
This image is to represent the consequences of what would happen if they failed. Although this fighting happened anyway it would have happened much more and many more people would have died. The fight with Britain would most likely ended in death for most if not all of them.